Bishops of Tuscia


Privacy policy & cookies

This privacy policy is effective as of 10 November 2020 and will be regularly updated to reflect changes in the manner in which ASD Alfieri della Tuscia processes your personal data or any changes in applicable laws. This page provides all the necessary information on how ASD Alfieri della Tuscia protects your personal data and what your rights are in relation to that data.

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia attaches great importance to your right to privacy and the protection of your personal data. We want you to feel secure in the protection of your personal data when interacting with us.

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia protects your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and its data privacy policy. It also takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing and/or against accidental loss, alteration, disclosure or access, or accidental, unlawful destruction or damage.

The following is a general description of how ASD Alfieri della Tuscia protects your personal data. Specific information is also provided on the following topics:

How does ASD Alfieri della Tuscia protect your personal data?

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia collects personal data from employees, applicants, customers, suppliers, professional contacts, shareholders and website users. If the data we collect is not listed in this privacy policy, we will provide data subjects (where required by law) with adequate notice of what other data will be collected and how it will be used.

In particular, the personal data we collect include the categories described in the sections:

  • How do we use your personal data when you visit this website?
  • How do we use cookies (and other similar tracking technologies)?
  • How do we use personal data when you visit our offices?
  • How do we use your personal data for marketing purposes?

With the exception of certain information required by law, your decision to provide personal data to ASD Alfieri della Tuscia is voluntary. Therefore, you will not be subject to adverse consequences if you do not wish to provide us with your personal data. However, if you do not provide certain information, we will not be able to fulfil some or all of the purposes set out in this privacy policy and we may not be able to use certain tools and systems that require the use of such personal data.

If supplied to ASD Alfieri della Tuscia personal data of another person (e.g. a potential employee/referrer), you will be responsible for ensuring that that person is aware of the information contained in this privacy policy and that he or she has provided consent for the information to be shared with ASD Alfieri della Tuscia.

The above categories of personal data are obtained either directly from you (e.g. when you provide information to subscribe to a newsletter or register to comment on a forum) or indirectly from certain third parties (e.g. through our website technology). These third parties include our affiliates, public authorities, public websites, social media and suppliers.

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia uses your personal data only when required for specific purposes. As we consider that our legitimate interests are not second to the interests, rights or freedoms of users, in consideration:

  • of the transparency we provide regarding processing activities,
  • approach to protection by design,
  • of the data protection reviews we conduct at regular intervals
  • of your rights regarding the processing activity.  Contact us for more information on this comparative approach.

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia will use your personal data for the above-mentioned purposes on the basis of your prior consent, insofar as such consent is mandatory under applicable law.

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia will not use your personal data for purposes incompatible with the purposes of which you have been informed, unless such use is required or authorised by law, or is in your vital interest (e.g. in the event of a medical emergency).

We do not transfer your personal data to our service providers, consultants, public and government authorities or third parties connected to a (potential) business or commercial transaction.

Usually the ASD Alfieri della Tuscia try not to collect sensitive data (also known as special categories of personal data) through this site or otherwise. In the rare cases where we attempt to do so, we will do so in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act and/or seek your consent.

The term 'sensitive data' refers to the various categories of personal data identified by data privacy laws that require special processing and, in some circumstances, the need to obtain explicit consent. These categories include ethnic or racial origin, political, religious, philosophical or other opinions, trade union membership, physical or mental health, biometric or genetic data, sexual life or orientation, or criminal history (including information on suspected criminal activity).

How do we use your personal data when you visit this site?

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia It collects information from its websites in two ways:

  • directly (e.g. when you provide personal data to subscribe to a newsletter or register on a forum)
  • indirectly (e.g. through the technology of our website).

We may collect and process the following personal data:

  • Information provided by filling in forms on our site. This includes registering to use the site, subscribing to services, newsletters and alerts, registering for a conference or requesting a white paper or more information. Pages that collect this type of personal data may provide further information on why your data is needed and how it will be used. It is up to you to decide whether or not to provide the data.
  • If you contact us, we may keep a record of such correspondence.
  • We may ask you to fill in surveys that we will use for research purposes, but you are not obliged to answer them.
  • Any post, comment or other content that is uploaded or published on a website of ASD Alfieri della Tuscia.
  • Our website collects information about your computer, including (where available) your IP address, operating system and browser type, which is used for system management, to filter traffic, to search for user domains and to provide statistical reporting.
  • The details of your visits to our site, the pages you view and the resources you access or download, including, among other things, traffic data, location data, web logs and other communication data.

The website of  ASD Alfieri della Tuscia may include:

  • Links to and from the sites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates.
  • Certain third-party programmes (widgets and applications). In this case, please note that these third parties may process personal data collected through such programmes for their own purposes.

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia does not accept any liability for such third-party sites or programmes.

Check the terms of use and privacy policies of these parties before using and providing information on their sites and programmes.

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia uses personal data for the purposes described in the previous section and to provide you with the information you have requested, process online applications and for other purposes that we will describe to you at the time these data are collected. For example for:

  • fulfil your requests for white papers, articles, newsletters or other content.
  • surveys or research questionnaires.
  • customise your experience on our site.
  • contact you for marketing purposes, where you have given your consent.

We analyse information about the IP address and browser to determine what on our site has the greatest effect and to identify ways to make it even better and more efficient.

How do we use your personal data for marketing purposes?

Most of the personal data that ASD Alfieri della Tuscia collects and uses for marketing purposes refers to individual employees of our customers and other companies with whom we have a business relationship.

We may also obtain contact information from public sources, including content posted on social media sites, to establish initial contact with a particular person at a customer or other company.

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia may send marketing emails to individuals at our customers or other companies with whom we intend to develop or maintain a business relationship in accordance with applicable marketing laws. These targeted emails typically include web beacons, cookies and similar technologies that allow us to know whether you open, read or delete the message and which links you open. When you click on a link in a marketing email received from ASD Alfieri della Tusciawe will use a cookie to record the pages that are viewed and the content downloaded from our sites, even if the user is not registered on our site.

Any targeted e-mails sent by ASD Alfieri della Tuscia may include additional information on data confidentiality, as required by applicable laws.

Like most companies, also ASD Alfieri della Tuscia may use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) technology to manage and monitor its marketing initiatives. Our CRM databases may include personal data belonging to individuals at our customers and other companies with whom we already have or intend to develop business relationships.

Personal data used for these purposes include useful business information, such as contact details, publicly available information (e.g. board membership, published articles, press releases, public social media posts, if relevant for business purposes), responses to targeted e-mails (including web activity following links in our e-mails), activity by registered users on our website, and other business information included by professionals from ASD Alfieri della Tuscia based on their personal interactions with users. If you wish to be excluded from our CRM databases

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia may combine data from publicly available sources and from our e-mails, website and personal interactions with users (this includes information collected through the selection section of our site and information collected when users register or log into our site using credentials from social platforms (such as Monster, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.).

This data is combined to better understand your experience with ASD Alfieri della Tuscia and to perform the other activities described in this privacy policy.

ASD Alfieri della Tuscia does not share your personal data with marketing agencies.

You may exercise your right to prevent the forwarding of marketing communications by ticking certain boxes on the forms that ASD Alfieri della Tuscia uses to collect your personal data or by using the opt-out mechanisms in the e-mails we send you.

You may also exercise your right to stop receiving marketing communications or request that your personal data be removed from the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) databases of ASD Alfieri della Tuscia at any time by contacting us. In such cases, ASD Alfieri della Tuscia will retain the minimum personal data necessary to register your opt-out and avoid contacting you again.

© 2021 - Copyright by Andrea Cuccarini - All rights reserved